In the current economic atmosphere, your employees may be wondering if they’ll have a job next week. Add to that the daily pressures of work, and they may be likely to find themselves in a rut.

If you’re concerned that your employees might be feeling demotivated or unproductive, fear not, as there are some things you can do to improve morale in the workplace and help everyone to become more productive!

To increase motivation at work:

Get to know your employees.

Do you know your employees on a personal level or just as professionals? Spending time getting to know your employees can help you to understand them better and make them feel more valued.

  • Recognize your employees’ birthdays. Birthdays are always a happy occurrence and everyone in the office will be glad that you were thoughtful enough to recognize someone’s special day, especially if you bring cake!

  • Ask them about their personal life and hobbies. Married? Children? Make notes to remember key information. Keep all these in a file so you can refer to them later on.

Recognize personal and professional accomplishments.

When employees ‘ work is acknowledged and appreciated, their performance will improve, which in turn motivates the team to do better.

  • Create an appreciation program. Choose an employee of the month - someone who has most positively represented their team in some aspect of the workplace. Hang their photo in a lounge area or building hallway until it’s time to choose someone else. This can be an ongoing process that strengthens feelings of team cohesion and improves morale over time.

  • Send a personal thank you note if someone has done something impressive. You may also include an appropriate gift certificate or other appreciation item as recognition of their hard work.

Take them out to lunch.

If time is short, try ordering pizza or having lunch delivered to your workplace instead of rushing off for a meal. Your employees will enjoy their office space more when they have an opportunity to take a break from their computers.

Give them a voice.

Create an employee satisfaction survey. You may find it best to conduct these surveys anonymously for the better results. Be sure to address any perceived problems quickly and thoroughly.

  • Hold staff meetings regularly. This will give staff an opportunity to learn about the company’s status as well as voice any questions they may have. Ask for feedback if changes have to be made.

  • Ask what type of training they may need to do their job better. By providing continuing training, you’ll show your team that they're valuable, and you’ll do your business a great service by having top-notch, highly trained workers.

Offer financial rewards.

There are a lot of benefits to incorporating performance bonuses for superior work. It can help motivate your team and even boost moral!

  • Employees often have great ideas and suggestions for rewards programs. Talk to them and get their input. It might not be as expensive as you think!


When morale and productivity start to erode, it’s important to let your employees know you value them. Sure, they get paid for the work they do every week, but sometimes they need a little pick-me-up.

Rewards don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. A little bit of recognition can go a long way to improving the atmosphere in your workplace.

Take care of your employees and show them respect. Use these ways of boosting morale in the workplace and before you know it, your employees will have smiles on their faces and motivation on their mind!